About Paul

Paul Wilmott Photo

Paul Wilmott (b. 1959), London. I attended the London College of Printing, where I trained as a colour retoucher in commercial lithographic printing. I moved to Cumbria in the eighties where I became a mural artist.

My work can be seen around the county, notable large works in Whitehaven and Ulverston. I have recently embarked upon a series of works in oils that explore my childhood and adolescence: landscapes and people, in particular based on recollections of Ireland where I spent many long holidays.

Some of my work is of the lily-clad lakes and ponds of the West coast which had a very profound and powerful effect upon me. Images and motifs emerge quickly in the paint and then through a process of reworking, will often become almost diluted. In choosing to paint from memories, I am interested in capturing a surrealist quality that is unattached to a specific time, moment or place.